Saturday, January 1, 2011

New! New! New!

For many years New Years Resolutions have always just been a joke to me, I say that I am going to do something and it never lasts longer then a week. Now that I think about it, this is disgusting, I should have enough self control to be able to do something for longer then that. One problem I have always had was writing in a journal, so I am going to approach it differently, I am going to try (key word try) and blog. This will help me to journal in a weird sort of way, and hopefully post some cool things that other people will want to see. 

As it being the first day of 2011 I am going to put down a couple different goals. This time I will last longer then a week.

1. Scripture reading! I love my scriptures but sometimes I get caught up in other things, this year there will be some changes.

2. I am going to pay more attention to my reading assignments for my classes, those definitely slip through the cracks and are not done. Also, assignments and studying will be started at least 4 days before the due date. NO MORE PROCRASTINATION!

....and there are more personal goals, but those don't need to be broadcasted. 

Hopefully as I blog things happening in my life I can look back at them and learn a few things. Learn things about myself, my friends, family, and maybe (hopefully) what I want to do with the rest of my life.. Thats my goal, and I'm sticking to it!

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