Monday, February 28, 2011

Life is...

I really kinda suck at the blog thing, I haven't written in 2 weeks, that is pretty bad. I suppose I can blame it on the fact that I have been busy, so this blog post is definitely going to be good.
Last week was midterms, how I dislike midterms. I had a Religious Studies midterm, a Math test (which I can proudly say I got 97.5% on it), and a Sociology test all before last week. It was nuts! I was suppose to have my History midterm on the Wednesday but due to lovely weather (SNOW STORM!) my 8:30 class was cancelled, so I had it today, the first day back from Spring Break. Do you think I was happy? Not at all. Though it was really easy and considering I already prepared for it before I just needed a quick review.
There was a YSA Dance a couple weeks ago which was pretty awesome. I definitely had a lot of fun. I got to meet some people, see my friends and just have an overall great time.
I suppose I never blogged about Valentine's Day, I am definitely behind. My Valentine's Day was lovely. First of all my 4:30 class was cancelled due to weather, so I got to leave the university early. Scott picked me up and went to his house. To start the night out we ate lots of popcorn and watched Definitely, Maybe.
Definitely, Maybe Poster
starring Ryan Reynolds. 
It was a pretty cute movie, I had seen it before but because it was so long ago I forgot the ending, which was nice. Following our movie we went to the Gahan House. It was delicious! I got a club wrap and fries, which doesn't sound that awesome, but the fries were amazing.
After I was almost to full to eat anything else we went back to Scott's house again to eat cherry cheesecake (made by his mother) IT WAS SOO GOOD! And Valentine's Day would not be Valentine's Day without flowers. They are amazing :)

The storms we have been getting are insane. We have gotten only probably at least once every week!

This past week was SPRING BREAK! To kick it off Saturday night went to a friends party. It was great to see everyone and play a good round of cheat (I WON!) Though there was no spring about it! I spent my first real day (also Islander Day) sick! I had a terrible cold for the majority of the week, finally over it. I went to Scott's house because I didn't really have enough energy to do anything else and we watched Alex and Emma.
One of the best photos of the night: The girls trying to get Scott with icing from his birthday the day before.

Alex & Emma Poster
This was a decent movie too, not too shabby. 
Surprise, surprise, the next day was a storm and all the kids were home. It was fun though, I got to see my girls. Love them. Wednesday was fun. We went on a lovely shopping spree.We stopped at Garage, La Senza, and then to Sobeys! The girls and I had a lovely time. Charmaine and I stopped at Sobeys to get food for our YSA brunch the next day (sadly attended.. 3 of us plus the elders.. gotta feed the elders). The brunch was fun. 
Back to Wednesday: I CUT MY HAIR OFF! Well not me, the hair dresser..
I really like it now! 

That's all I have to say for now, I am sure I have missed some lovely things, but as for now, that is it.
Have a Wonderful day Everyone!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday, Monday, Monday

This past weekend was quite a lovely one. The schedule was as follows. Friday: work 3-9:15, Saturday: work 10-5. Then I got to go hang out with my friends! I was a great time to see everyone and just relax! I got to watch a lovely episode of Criminal Minds! Man, I love that show! Sunday: SLEEP ALL DAY! Due to the crazy weather yesterday church was cancelled. I made an amazing cake too. Picture to come!

This weekend I got to talk to one of my friends that I hadn't seen in a while! It was great to catch up and see what was going on in his life! On Friday Charmaine and I went to the gym before I went to work. It was awesome just to walk around the track and talk about our week. It was a great way to vent and relax. We decided to make it a tradition! Friends really do make your life better! For sure!

"There is one friend in the life of each of us who seems not a separate person, however dear and beloved, but an expansion, an interpretation, of one's self, the very meaning of one's soul." ~Edith Wharton

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


This would be the absolute highlight of my day. Resulting in my Sociology class being cancelled (which was our chapters 10-12 test!)

"UPEI StormWatch Message:
The University will close at 5:00pm today. This is an updated message for Wednesday, February 2, 2011"

Crawl... Walk... Run... .Jump... FLY!

It seems like this week is crawling by. Oh well. Monday night I received a lovely surprise! I opened my email Monday night to see an email from Lethbridge College announcing my acceptance. I guess I answered my interview questions right. I was pretty excited. Now to saving money! Ladies and Gentlemen, I will soon be a Lethbridge College Kodiak! 
Go Kodiaks! 

Another lovely song for the day brought to you by non other then................Chris Brown!
"If we crawl
Till we can walk again 
Then we'll run 
Until we're strong enough to jump
Then we'll fly
Until there is no end
So lets crawl, crawl, crawl"

I think that we need to remember when we go through trials in our lives we do all that we can. Crawl, if that is all we can, then run, then jump, and eventually fly! The Lord loves us, He would never give us any trial that we can not overcome! 

Have a lovely afternoon!!