Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hola a todos! Me encanta español!

Buenas Noches!
Ladies and Gentlemen I am in love with the language of español! 

Sadly I didn't get to post last night due to the fact that everyone was huddled around my laptop watching the hockey game. My response to the game last night is this: Congrats Canada on a silver metal, a job well done. (With absolutely no sarcasm at all). I am proud of my country and everything it does. Even though Canada didn't win the junior's game last night to get the gold they still played really well and got a silver metal. I think that anyone who complains about us not winning needs to put on some skates, get a stick, and go play against some Russians and you tell me how you make it. They played the best they could and we should all be proud! 

First day of classes yesturday went quite well. Sociology will be just as hilarious this semester as last, and my history class will be interesting. The highlight of my day was most definitely Spanish class. It's for sure going to be awesome, the only thing that I need to get past is the fact that the text book is like $180! I am crossing my fingers that I will get a second hand book. I've also decided that I am going to keep my book after I am done the class, for future reference. 

After a lovely day of classes I had the privilege of going to Institute. It was amazing as always and I learned a lot. We paid particular attention to the pattern talked about in Doctrine and Covenants 52. I never noticed it as much, but its a formula, a way that we must pattern our lives after.

14And again, will give unto you pattern in all things, that ye may not be deceived; for Satan is abroad in the land, and he goeth forth deceiving the nations—

15Wherefore he that prayeth, whose spirit is contritethe same is accepted of me if he obey mine ordinances.

16He that speakethwhose spirit is contrite, whose language is meek and edifieththe same is of God if he obey mine ordinances.

17And again, he that trembleth under my power shall be made strongand shall bring forth fruits of praise and wisdom,according to the revelations and truths which have given you. 
18And again, he that is overcome and bringeth not forth fruits,even according to this pattern, is not of me.
Follow the pattern = not being deceived.  
And finally in the spirit of education and formulas I found an awesome quote by Elder Russel M. Nelson:
“Your mind is precious! It is sacred,”
“Therefore, the education of one’s mind is also sacred. Indeed, education is a religious responsibility. Of course, our opportunities and abilities will vary a great deal. But, in the pursuit of one’s education, individual desire is more important than is the institution you choose; personal drive is more significant than is the faculty."
Education is a religious responsibility, I hope we all realize the responsibility we have to learn and to continue our education.

Hasta Mañana!

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