Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Days off!

So fortunately or unfortunately I had Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off this week from work. I luckily made the most of my time.. Sort of..
On Monday I got to Skype with the family! This was no ordinary Skype call, oh no. This time Cory and Karen came over because we had a rather large surprise for my mom. My Dad and I had talked on the phone the other day and he told me that he had bought two tickets for him and my mom to fly to NYC.
For most people this would be a big deal, but for my mom, this was huge! To go to NYC is one of my mom's biggest dreams.

Side Note: Before we told my mom my Dad had told her a few things about the surprise 1. That they were going somewhere for a few days and 2. That they would be 3 hours away from home...

So to get in on this awesome surprise, Cory, Karen, and I bought them two tickets to see Phantom of the Opera on Broadway.

The surprise went down like this.. My mom was reading stories to my siblings before bed, and my Dad brought his laptop upstairs. We flipped open the screen and said that we had an early mothers day surprise but that she had to guess. I had Cory wear this half mask and somehow she guess the phantom of the opera.. I was surprised she got it. Then we said that we got them two tickets to see it. But then we asked her where she could possibly see it? After she looked a little confused I held up a I love NYC tshirt.. And sais that Dad had gotten them two tickets to New York.. Then came the tears.. She cried and repeatedly thanked us. She then said that when my Dad said they were going somewhere she secretly hoped it was there but didn't say anything to get her hopes up.
I am so excited for them. They most definitely deserve it!

That evening I saw Peter Katz play... Oh my goodness, he was so good! I was so tempted to buy both his CDs but my money saving mind got in the way. It was incredible! Definitely check it out!

On Tuesday Jenni and Charlotte and I went to the coolest antique store. There was so many awesome cameras, phones and hats. I found the coolest hat! I am super tempted to go back and buy it. Scott did some major research.. he came up with poland, world war I ... Sadly I don't remember the rank.. Anyways. Sweet store!
After that I had an amazing facial, got my eyebrows done and my bangs trimmed at Catwalk. So great! I love them, such good service and so friendly!
Last night Jenni and I saw the vow. I will admit, I did cry.. Just a little, but I didn't think it was that good. I was,kinda disappointed. I wanted things to get so much better, but it kinda didn't. Oh well, only a movie..

Today I cleaned.. And cleaned.. I made a to do list and hopefully get it all done!
Finally, I watched an episode of Touch.. What an incredible TV show. If you haven't seen it, watch the trailor! So interesting and thought provoking. Check it out!!

Ottawa with the Bestie, Scott Byrne- 55
No longer a teenager-24

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