Work Friday 3-9, and Saturday 10-5.
As soon as I got home from work on Saturday I got changed and headed over to my aunt and uncles house for the birthday part of the year. Isaac's first birthday! It was quite the event. There was people everywhere! There was great food, pretty cool presents, and an amazing cake. The Elmo cake was spectacular, sadly I didn't get a picture.
After the majority of people left Cory, Drew and I stayed to play some games.
First was Aggravation.
Lets just say I think there was a little aggravation going on during the game. There was a little "helping" going on.
Second was some games on the xbox kinetic!
This thing was freakin awesome! I loved it!
And to end the night: Crazy Eight Countdown.
This game definitely lasted a while, but it was pretty fun.
The night was very full and as soon as I got home I crawled right into my bed.
Church today was quite interesting as per usual. It was my last Sunday to teach my lovely Primary class. But nothing makes a Sunday without having an awesome supper. Roast, and roasted potatoes, carrots and peas. Delicious! Due to weather I had to cancel our get together at the church for the Single Adults Broadcast. I was quite disappointed. Though it may not look bad, I heard the roads were not too pretty.
After bugging Cory over and over again Cory finally cut Drew's hair. It was quite the spectacle. It looked like he was turning into a bear, the hair just kept on multiplying on his back.
The night was very full and as soon as I got home I crawled right into my bed.
Church today was quite interesting as per usual. It was my last Sunday to teach my lovely Primary class. But nothing makes a Sunday without having an awesome supper. Roast, and roasted potatoes, carrots and peas. Delicious! Due to weather I had to cancel our get together at the church for the Single Adults Broadcast. I was quite disappointed. Though it may not look bad, I heard the roads were not too pretty.
It's not too bad :p
And to finish off the night...
Doctrine and Covenants 78:18
And ye cannot bear all things now; nevertheless, be of good cheer, for I will lead you along. The kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and the riches of eternity are yours.
Lets all be cheerful!
Night! :)
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