When things don't go the way they are suppose to (or we think are suppose to) it is so hard to not breakdown. This week has taught me that I need to rely on the Lord more, and see the things that He has done in my life. This week I have made the complete decision to move to Alberta. There were tears, blessings, prayers, and help sought from many people. I love my family, my friends and the Lord. Once I found out that my brother was not going to join me in Lethbridge I was really worried, I had to decide whether I would be able to handle going across the country by myself for the very first time or if it would be better to stay close to home. I talked to a lot of people. My friends that I talked to really helped me to see that I could do it, and if I really wanted it enough I was capable of it. Next I talked to my family. Each one helped me to see the importance in what I was doing, and that they knew I could do it. I went to my dad and asked for a Priesthood blessing. I know that the Lord loves me, and the Priesthood is real. The first thing I said after I received it was "While that didn't help, no incite." But as I thought about the different things that were said there was one line that really stuck out to me. " Make sure you are in places and situations where you are able to feel the Spirit". After that I made a special point of that, and after a lot of thought, I believe that it is what I am to do. I love the promptings of the Spirit and the ability to receive answers to my prayers.
Sadly I never made it through all of church today. There is a major sickness going through my family right now. I'm pretty sure at least 6 out of the 10 of us are sick. Thankfully I was able to go to sacrament. There were some very good talks today, and I was very grateful to hear them.
Ether 12:27:
And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.
Since I had to leave church early (first time in probably over a year had I missed church) I slept for a lot of the afternoon, I felt that if I gave my body rest hopefully it will get better faster. After a long nap I decided to go through a bunch of videos on mormon.org . I absolutely love that website. It is incredible. The church has grown incredibly in ways of technology and I think it is absolutely wonderful! There are so many normal people, who lead such normal yet amazing lives.
Going back in time seems to be one of the themes of my blog. Yesturday was my friend Chelsey's 19th birthday, and boy was she excited! I made a ton of cupcakes for her, chocolate with a little swirl of chocolate icing on top, boy were they tasty! I am sure she had a blast! Earlier in the day I had a blast at work! I love working on Saturdays with my girls (and Joe or Colleen!) They are absolutely hilarious. Always a blast!
Friday. Normally I love Fridays, looking at the day quickly it was horrible, but once I stopped and refocused I realized how blessed I am. Spanish class was as always great. After that I got to go out for lunch with Scott which was nice seeing as he was going to Halifax this weekend. So all of this was great. Then the trouble hit. I had to take a student loan paper downtown, which would of been fine, except they wouldn't accept one of my supporting documents. So then I had to go to work and get Colleen (assistant manager) to write me a letter, meanwhile this is causing me great stress. I was getting all worked up. As soon as I got the letter I went back downtown to drop it off. In the process of driving around looking for a parking spot I realized I was pretty much out of gas, so I had to get gas, finally finding a prime parking spot I tore the car apart looking for a quarter. None! How is it possible to not have a single quarter in the whole car?! In the process I realized that my dad had asked me to mail a letter for him the day before, knowing that it wouldn't get mailed until today I forgot about it. Finding this letter I realized that I only had a couple hours to get it mailed or it wouldn't get out until Monday! I then went to the post office and mailed the letter. (Costing me $2.61- pricey letter). Driving back to the general area I needed to go my windshield was disgustingly dirty and there was no windshield wiper fluid. At this point I couldn't find a new parking spot, needed to drop off this stinkin' letter, and couldn't see. I almost started crying, but instead pleaded with my Father in Heaven to help me. Within a few minutes it started to rain, not like a down pour, but a nice light rain. First I was not happy that once I found a parking spot I would have to walk in the rain I realized how much of a blessing it was. I was thrilled! With the rain I was able to clean off my windshield and was able to see! I said a little prayer of gratitude in my heart. Driving a few minutes later I saw an open parking spot, on the other side of the road that didn't have a parking meter. I was so happy, but I still had to drive around the block. I was worried that it would be taken by the time I got back around (and considering the amount of traffic it was very likely). As I made it around the block my parking spot was still open, waiting for me. I parked the car and prayed again, thanking Him for yet another little gift. I walked the half a block to the building dropped off the letter, and as far as I know, it's sufficient. Finally getting my errands done. At first I felt like these 2 hours were absolutely terrible, but as I noticed the hand of the Lord in my day I was so grateful. If I hadn't of had to look for a quarter I wouldn't of remembered to mail the letter, it started to rain when I really needed it to, I got the parking spot, and I realized once again how lucky I am for the job that I have. My managers are wonderful and I couldn't ask for anyone better.
Boy am I blessed. I am so happy with the life I have. Though obviously I hate being sick, I think of how blessed I am that I am rarely sick and have the proper ways of overcoming it. The Lord loves everyone, and I know He loves me.
Have a wonderful week everyone, remember that you are blessed in every aspect of your life, and though we go through trials the Lord is always there lending His hand, we just need to notice it.