So I sat down on the couch with my laptop, not sure what to do, then I decided that I should do a blog post. Then I got insanely distracted with a million other things, so like 2 hours later I am finally blogging. Terrible really.
This past week has been absolutely INSANE! Like more insane than I would like. I didn't do anything social all week. Monday- School, work. Tuesday- School, work. Wednesday- School, work. Thursday- School, School work at home until 1-2ish am. Friday- SCHOOL, work... then The Slice with Behind Sapphire!
I had so many projects, papers, assessments, presentations due last week, it was annoying.
2 presentations= 1st= 100% don't know about the second
1 formal behavioral assessment = 90%
1 paper= dunno
1 in class project=dunno
1 test= 90%
and still had classes all week. Not impressed. But I did it! Hard work paid off!
The more interesting part was Friday night! Behind Sapphire (from Vancouver)! Check them out! They are amazing! Absolutely! To add to it, they are hilarious, and amazingly nice. The guys + Lindsey are so sweet. After the show they came over to my house (yes, I have connections. haha) and they just are awesome. Grant's voice is incredible, well they all are amazing, but ya!
Behind Sapphire- Nearer my God to Thee. Love it!
That's all I have to say.
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
The Dreaded Funk
Sometimes in life you get in a rut, for me, that is now. Everything is piling up, resulting in me stressing out, and the self esteem level is dropping hugely. I am not writing this post to make people feel bad for me, I am writing this for myself. I want to be able to look back at this in the future and see the progress I have mad.
Lately I have been going out, living life, but when I am not busy I get the sense of loneliness. It frustrates me. I don't want to feel this way but it's hard to get out of this rut.
Last week I went to a K-os concert. Fun times.
I am so frustrated with myself though. It's like I am fine one moment and freakin' out at my best friend the next... For no reason!
I read an amazing talk-
The Power of God’s Love
Lately I have been going out, living life, but when I am not busy I get the sense of loneliness. It frustrates me. I don't want to feel this way but it's hard to get out of this rut.
Last week I went to a K-os concert. Fun times.
I am so frustrated with myself though. It's like I am fine one moment and freakin' out at my best friend the next... For no reason!
I read an amazing talk-
The Power of God’s Love
JOHN H. GROBERG- October 2004
and the ending of D&C 6:20:
"therefore treasure up these words in thy heart. Be faithful and diligent in keeping the commandments of God, and I will encircle thee in the arms of my love."
Hopefully I will get out of this funk. I am on the road, and I am so grateful for my amazing friend, Scott. Without him, I would be in absolute tears, all the time.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
How He sees you.....
It is interesting when you go through life and have little pitfalls. The times when you end up having self pity parties, and crying yourself to sleep. I feel like absolute crap when I get into these states but I love the feeling when I come out of them, the realization of certain truths that I seem to forget. I was in that state this weekend: I felt like I was just faded into the background, that people just see me but never pay attention to me as a person. I thought that I was just partly invisible. I then talked to some friends and I got some good advice. One of the things that really stood out to me was that fact that the people who know me really well have known me forever, and that's why they do. I cannot expect these new friends of mine to be the same way so quickly. I am expecting way too much from them. I also was brought to the realization that my good friends who I am not with right now cannot know if I am upset unless I tell them because they aren't here. So instead of isolating myself, and being prideful I need to to go the people I care about and who care about me for support. Instead of being the comforting one I need to accept that comfort and use it. I also read the amazing talk from last month's conference by President Utchdorf. After conference I went online and saved a bunch of talks that I wanted to reread at a later date. So I opened up the folder on my computer to read one. The first one I chose was this talk. I love how the Lord works in mysterious ways. This talk was what I needed to hear:
"My dear brothers and
sisters, it may be true that man is nothing in comparison to the greatness of
the universe. At times we may even feel insignificant, invisible, alone, or
forgotten. But always remember—you matter to Him! If you ever doubt that,
consider these four divine principles:
First, God loves the humble
and meek, for they are “greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”17
Second, the Lord entrusts
“the fulness of [His] gospel [to] be proclaimed by the weak and the simple unto
the ends of the world.”18 He has chosen “the weak things of the world [to] come forth and break
down the mighty and strong ones”19 and to put to shame “the things which are mighty.”20
Third, no matter where you
live, no matter how humble your circumstances, how meager your employment, how
limited your abilities, how ordinary your appearance, or how little your
calling in the Church may appear to you, you are not invisible to your Heavenly
Father. He loves you. He knows your humble heart and your acts of love and
kindness. Together, they form a lasting testimony of your fidelity and faith.
Fourth and finally, please
understand that what you see and experience now is not what forever will be.
You will not feel loneliness, sorrow, pain, or discouragement forever. We have
the faithful promise of God that He will neither forget nor forsake those who
incline their hearts to Him.21 Have hope and faith in that promise. Learn to love your Heavenly Father
and become His disciple in word and in deed.
Be assured that if you but
hold on, believe in Him, and remain faithful in keeping the commandments, one
day you will experience for yourselves the promises revealed to the Apostle
Paul: “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of
man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”22
Brothers and sisters, the
most powerful Being in the universe is the Father of your spirit. He knows you.
He loves you with a perfect love.
God sees you not only as a
mortal being on a small planet who lives for a brief season—He sees you as His
child. He sees you as the being you are capable and designed to become. He wants
you to know that you matter to Him."
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Though I should really be either writing a paper, or studying for the test I missed today I am going to update the blog world. It has definitely been a while. I haven't even done really anything that interesting. Last night right before I went to bed I checked my throat to see a nice lovely white spot. Dang you strep throat. My lymph node is swollen a bit on the left side which really sucks. The weird thing is that my throat doesn't hurt really at all. A little discomfort but that is about it. Thankfully. I stayed home from my classes today though seeing as it is contagious. I am planning on going to the clinic in a few minutes to get some drugs and maybe a short chat about my morning sickness issue. Hopefully I can get that resolved all at the same time. Also for a short period I could of sworn I felt one of my wisdom teeth trying to come through.. that is the last thing I need. For sure!
Well back to the grind. Hopefully I will be okay tomorrow because I have class, and work. I definitely can't deal with all this crap.
On the bright side: I had a lovely chat with my brother today. I miss that kid. Though he drives me insane sometimes, he is the best. Giving me a hard time for getting sick- assuming it was because I was making out with boys. What a boy. I can not wait to see him though. It will definitely be a grand union!
Now back to the books!
Well back to the grind. Hopefully I will be okay tomorrow because I have class, and work. I definitely can't deal with all this crap.
On the bright side: I had a lovely chat with my brother today. I miss that kid. Though he drives me insane sometimes, he is the best. Giving me a hard time for getting sick- assuming it was because I was making out with boys. What a boy. I can not wait to see him though. It will definitely be a grand union!
Now back to the books!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Life goes on..
First of all, an awesome song that Charmaine shared with me. I love it!
Will You Be There- Boyce Avenue
Next song that I also love: Fast Car- Boyce Avenue [Credit: Alyssa-]
Both these songs make me happy.
As always, lots of things have been going on. Some trials, some blessings and some things that I am sure are blessings in disguise. Though it is hard to see through the clouds sometimes I am so grateful when I do.
It is so interesting how more amazing life can be once you change your perspective. The way you can go from complete despair to being happy again. Sometimes you just need to stop, calm down, realize that life goes on and that you will be okay. The Lord won't give you anything you can't handle so why not trust him? Sometimes it is frickin' hard, and you feel like things couldn't get any worse, or you feel like someone stabbed you in the heart, but when you stop, think, and look at the many possible situations things turn themselves around. As life goes about it's course, with uncertainty, the Lord is always there to help you.
The other night I had to close the store that I work at by myself for the first time. It took me a while and probably like 10 minutes before I had to close I was viewing some business details on the computer. When I went to go back to the main screen it wouldn't let me. I was terrified. I couldn't get it to go back no matter how hard I tried. I was worried I was going to have to call my manager who had just left and feel completely stupid. I pleaded with my Father in Heaven to help me. I didn't want to look incompetent after she had previously told me how fast a learner she thought I was. I pleaded numerous times, asking Him to help me. As I was trying many different things it finally went back to the main screen. The relief that washed over me was incredible. I was so grateful. As I continued to close the store I continued to pray, asking for His hand. As I struggled at times, and some things took longer then it normally would I managed to close the store. How grateful I was for the Lord's hand in my life. I managed to get out of the store, speed walk to the bus, and just made it by 3 minutes.
The Lord is mindful of us.
Trials are there, and they do cause us grief but we grow so much from them. The heart becomes stronger, our minds become sharper, and our testimony of our Saviour and our Father in Heaven increase.
As I was going through a particularly hard time this weekend I really relied on Him to help me. Along with His help I talked to my brother, who directed me to a song by Laura Story. It is entitled "Blessings". It didn't help that I was already emotional the song made the tears stream down my cheeks. The combination of my sorrow but also the lyrics of the song really hit me hard. I was going to just select certain parts of the lyrics to post but they are all just amazing.
We pray for blessings
We pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
All the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things
'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise
We pray for wisdom
Your voice to hear
And we cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt Your goodness, we doubt Your love
As if every promise from Your Word is not enough
All the while, You hear each desperate plea
And long that we'd have faith to believe
'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
And what if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise
When friends betray us
When darkness seems to win
We know that pain reminds this heart
That this is not, this is not our home
It's not our home
'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
And what if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can’t satisfy
And what if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are Your mercies in disguise
We pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
All the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things
'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise
We pray for wisdom
Your voice to hear
And we cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt Your goodness, we doubt Your love
As if every promise from Your Word is not enough
All the while, You hear each desperate plea
And long that we'd have faith to believe
'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
And what if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise
When friends betray us
When darkness seems to win
We know that pain reminds this heart
That this is not, this is not our home
It's not our home
'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
And what if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can’t satisfy
And what if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are Your mercies in disguise
I highly suggest listening to this song when times are tough. We may not feel like it is true during the time but a change in perspective can make all the difference.
I am so grateful for the blessings I have because of the things I know. While at institute last week my teacher asked us:
"How do you know you know?"
I want you to think and ask yourself that question. I don't care if you tell someone or just keep it to yourself. I think when you ponder that question it will make recognizing that way, when it happens, even more prominent.
May you never forget the reasons you know what you know.
P.S. Two amazing Mormon Messages. I must admit- I cried.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Charlotte's Birthday
So today was Charlotte's 21st birthday and she loved every minute of it I am sure. We started it off this morning with a lovely trip to the mall. I wasn't planning on buying anything but that definitely changed. For my new job at Things Engraved I have to wear "business casual" and sadly I didn't take very many things fitting into that category. When I took a look around I realized that their sale section was INCREDIBLE! I got a white pencil skirt- high waisted ($9.99), a black high waisted pencil skirt ($9.99) and a super cute flowy floral patterned shirt ($9.99). I figured with the basic pencil skirt I could totally look classy and cute at the same time. Afterwards we ventured home (after making a stop at a car parts store because Jaisie realized that she didn't have a gas cap- fun time) and I did some lovely baking with a lovely friend. To make the cookies so much better we put in milk chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, crushed smarties, and Reese pieces. So good! Charlotte headed over to her parent's house and Jaisie and I took the opportunity to have a nap on our awesome "L" shaped couch. Surprisingly I had an awesome sleep. Apparently I even sleep through her alarm. A little later Jermaine came over, we got pizza, and watched a lovely film. The Charlotte festivities weren't over though. At 9 we headed over to the Cheesecake Cafe,
where I was instructed by Charlotte to "look cute". So this is what I wore:
where I was instructed by Charlotte to "look cute". So this is what I wore:
Not the best picture but I tried.
So now it is 11:30 and for some odd reason I am extremely tired. I will definitely have a lovely sleep tonight and will enjoy church tomorrow. I am highly looking forward to it.
Friday, October 7, 2011
These pictures are from the camping trip:
Hi allergic reaction to something random I came in contact with. Nothing a little Benadryl won't help.
These next pictures are the view of the camp from this massive hill Liz and I climbed so she could call her fiance. The cell reception was a bit iffy.
At the top of the picture is the main "fort". It was awesome.
Those are the lodge/cabins that we slept in.
If you look hard enough, right in the very center above the trees are the two poles where the awesome swing was.
My awesome mask I made. Perfectly forms to my face.
note: bag of buns... they gave away the left over food at the end.
Fall Ball. Cuteness? I think so.
Childhood park. So many memories.
Chicken Quesadilla! Freakin' delicious!
Outfit of the night. (you can't see but I'm wearing dark blue skinny jeans). Party?- I think so.
Have a lovely night!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Loving Life!
So much has happened lately and I am highly enjoying life in Lethbridge. The camp trip for school was an absolute blast! I loved it! I met so many people and did some many awesome things. We played numerous outside games and we did crafty stuff (aka a mask that fits our face, and a picture frame.) I highly enjoyed it. Here is a video of the amazing swing that I went on... twice. The swing is pulled up to 40 feet in the air. Amazing.
P.S. I cried.
Have a wonderful week. Enjoy it, and try to notice the hand of the Lord.
It was an amazing experience. When I got home from the camp there was a lovely envelope with my name on it. I opened it up and there was a AWESOME poem, which after some analysis (not hard) the poet had asked me to go to the Fall Ball (YSA dance). So I sent him a text with a clever reply using a common theme.
The dance was loads of fun, and the pre dance part was fun as well. We went go-karting and to eat. Definite fun time!
School has been going very well, super interesting and learning lots!
Church has been amazing as well. Today was the second day of General Conference. What am amazing opportunity we have to be able to hear from our prophet and apostles. I have learned so much from these men and women. I am so grateful for them!
There were two short quotes that really enjoyed:
"It's better to look up." - Carl B Cook
"Where is your faith?" -Neil L. Anderson
Even these two simple statements are so powerful, if we take them into consideration and really think about them then we can progress so much.
I also watched an amazing Mormon Message the other day. Actually two. Here they are:
P.S. I cried.
Have a wonderful week. Enjoy it, and try to notice the hand of the Lord.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Wonderful Week to Come
Another week is about to begin. This one will be wonderful I am hoping. On Tuesday, for my CYC 182 class, everyone from my program who is doing it in two years is going camping! Well, not legit camping, more staying in cabins, girls camp type camping, but I am still very excited. It will be nice to better get to know everyone and have a break from the other classes. Everyone has been talking about it and I am really looking forward to it. We get home on Thursday around lunch time and most definitely will be going home to take a nice nap. Friday night is the Fall Ball, which will definitely be lovely. I am hoping to look splendid and highly enjoy myself. I will hopefully remember to post pictures of these lovely events.
Finally I would like to share a really good scripture that was read in Sunday School today.
Hebrews 10: 35-39
Finally I would like to share a really good scripture that was read in Sunday School today.
Hebrews 10: 35-39
36 For ye have need of apatience, that, after ye have done thebwill of God, ye might receive the cpromise.
38 Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man adraw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.
39 But we are not of them who adraw back unto bperdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.
Have a wonderful week!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
I haven't had an actual blog post in a while and probably should of. Here is a short update. WOWeek, was pretty awesome. The first night was a BBQ at the institute building, just to meet people and such. They also had the Canadian Red Cross come and you could get your blood tested to see what your blood type was. From this I learned that I have most likely A- blood, I was dehydrated that day, and that my blood clots really well. By the time she got enough blood to test it had already formed a clot, stopping it from bleeding. Positive I think? Second thing was the Slip 'n' Slide.. INTENSE X10. They had it at the Sugar Bowl (super similar to Stonepark) with a HUGE tarp, constant water, and bottles and bottles of soap that everyone smeared all over themselves. It was hilarious and amazingly fun. It even resulted in certain Institute teachers being forced down the tarp by multiple students. The dance was Friday night which was quite fun. It was kind of iffy due to the fact I didn't really know very many people at that part. It was held outside at the institute building which was a nice change. Saturday was a pancake breakfast (didn't attend, I valued my sleeping in time) and Sunday was the CES broadcast with Elder Oaks and his wife. That broadcast was really good! I highly enjoyed it. I took a lot of notes! After the broadcast, and the food, we headed home and then I attempted to play Settlers of Catan with Jenni, one of the neighbors and another guy. Eventually other people came over but it was pretty chill. I am terrible at that game, I definitely require a partner.
School has been going really well. I am really enjoying it. My classes are pretty sweet and on Tuesday to Thursday I am going on a camping trip (which is actually a credited class!).
Last night I took a leap out of my comfort zone and went to a Black Light Dance Party! Holy Freak it was Fun! Initially I had to get over my shy part but other then that I had a blast! I met up with a few people I knew and caught up with a guy I had known before but haven't seen for a LONG TIME! It was super nice! I tried to take pictures, but it didn't really work out too well.
School has been going really well. I am really enjoying it. My classes are pretty sweet and on Tuesday to Thursday I am going on a camping trip (which is actually a credited class!).
Last night I took a leap out of my comfort zone and went to a Black Light Dance Party! Holy Freak it was Fun! Initially I had to get over my shy part but other then that I had a blast! I met up with a few people I knew and caught up with a guy I had known before but haven't seen for a LONG TIME! It was super nice! I tried to take pictures, but it didn't really work out too well.
(Pre- Party!)
(Sarah and I- Long lost friends)
Finally, I had a short but super awesome conversation with a friend last night! I am so grateful for friends who like sharing awesome things with me! Makes me feel special!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Random Fact
It is illegal to kiss in a theater in this city.................
or so I have heard... Fact or fiction?
or so I have heard... Fact or fiction?
Friday, September 9, 2011
Rookie Blue
So yesterday aired the season finale of Rookie Blue, and due to the fact I never watch it on TV I didn't realize it. I go to watch the normal episode between classes and there are two new ones. I was a bit surprised but very pleased none the less. So obviously I am going to camp out in the library for an extra 40 minutes to watch the finale. It was awesome. It all played out into what I wanted and it concluded nicely for the season. Only bad part, IT'S OVER! That's what I hate the most about falling in love with a TV show, as soon as the season is over (and they are never long enough) you have to wait FOREVER for the next season to start. It is stinkin' dreadful. Can't actors, actresses, producers, film people and all that jazz, can't they all just work year round like everyone else, take a 2 week vacation every once in a while, but keep giving us something to watch? They make more money then the average person, so they shouldn't mind working more hours. It's frustrating having to wait and wait and wait. The only good thing is that Criminal Minds' season premiere is September 21, and I for one will be watching it faithfully, hopefully by the time that is done Rookie Blue will be back on.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Today was officially the first day of classes at Lethbridge College. I surprisingly really enjoy it. Sure I haven't made any best friends yet, but I have met a few people and I also have seen a couple people I know, so we are on the right track. When I went to my first class I will admit, I was worried, but it was great. My Human Development (psychology) class was first, which I really enjoyed and can't wait for. Thank you Fiona, I actually remember the few odd things. I had a nice break where I ventured into the library to check it out. I found a nice, quiet, little study nook with a bunch of cubicals with plugs! So I watched an episode of Community, and the result= trying to not laugh out loud. Sometimes it is easy to stifle laughter, but that show makes it really difficult. The majority of the time I actually had to cover my mouth. Afterwards I headed to my final class of the day, which is English Composition. I really don't like English, but I think I am really going to like it. My teacher is hilarious! Very opened minded, and I really think it's going to be good! Now enjoying many more episodes of Community until the WOWeek BBQ at the institute building. There isn't really a use in taking the bus home and then taking it back. I am very grateful things went over well!
P.S. There were so many things I noticed today that reminded me of Community. Love it!
P.S. There were so many things I noticed today that reminded me of Community. Love it!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
I feel bad that it has taken me so long to write on here,
but as some of you already know it has been pretty nuts. I arrived in
Lethbridge Tuesday afternoon. I went to my new place to find it not as nice as
I would like. So with some help from a friend and his family I managed to get
out of there and I stayed at their house for the night. While talking to
another friend I found out that she was moving into a place and they were
looking for another roommate. It was going to be $50 more a month then what I was
paying but I had to decided whether I wanted to do that or look somewhere else.
While I went to check out the house I found out that there was another girl
looking at the place too, and if she moved in then the rent would go down to
what I had been wanting to pay. I went home, thought about it and really felt
good about it. I talked to my friend and I got the place, along with the other
girl. So now I live in a nice 4-plex with 3 other awesome girls- Jenni,
Charlotte, and Jaisie. I am really happy with this place now, even though it is
a lot farther away from college. I can live with that, and the other day I
hopped on the bus and headed to the college so I could figure out the whole bus
thing. I managed to get there and home, and the next day to the mall, and home.
Trusty ol’ bus pass will do me well I think, it better considering the price. I
really think they should do what UPEI did and made it part of the tuition. Here
are pictures of the place I stayed for the one night:
I also helped clean someone’s house that was moving. I had
known this lady before but that was like 5 years ago, so I didn’t see her
current (well not anymore) house. I like died when I saw it. It was absolutely
amazing! Here is the picture of the master bedroom:
So that is pretty much it for now. I really like it here,
but I also super miss people, and my job. I am like dying without one. At times
I feel like I am super picky, but hopefully I’ll get a phone call one of these
days. *Crossin’ my fingers* Wish me luck.
Short recap: Moved across the country, moved out of my room,
lived with a family, moved into current house, all within 3 days!
P.S. I found this lovely bedspread at Sears the other day-
Alyssa, Kayla, and Ellen: This is for you.
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